


duke wen of jin, also known as g'er, was one of the most renowned figures during the spring and autumn period in a a. born as g'er around 697 bc, he was the son of duke xian of jin by his favored e, li ji. his early life was marked by turbulend political strife withiate of jin, a situation exacerbated by his father's favor towards his younger half-brothers born to li ji.</p>



when duke xian passed away, succession flicts erupted. thanks to the political maneuvering of li ji, g'er’s younger half-brother, xi qi, laced ohrone, causing a period of inteernal flict. to ensure his own safety, g'er fled from the state of jin, embarking on a een-year-long journey of escape. this period of exile ivotal in shaping g'er’s character and future leadership.</p>



during his years of exile, g'er traveled extensively across various states, seeking refuge and f alliances. he visited qi, cao, song, zheng, chu, and many other places. despite fag tremendous hardship, g'er’s experiences during this period enhanced his uanding of different cultures and political systems, enrig his strategic a and diplomatic skills that would later prove invaluable.</p>



one of the key moments during g'er’s exile was his stay iate of chu. the king of chu showed great respect for g'er, even preparing a feast and providing him with ample supplies. this gesture of goodwill showcased chu’s political fht and uanding of g'er’s potential. g'er reciprocated by showing humility, which helped him gairust and support of chu, solidifying an important alliance.</p>



after nearly two decades of exile, the tide turned in favor of g'er when internal strife aernal pressure weakened jin. enced by his loyal followers and the alliances he had formed, g'er returo jin in 636 bc. upon his return, the people of jin weled him, and he asded to power as duke wen. his journey from a fugitive to a ruling duke marked a signifit turning point in jin's history.</p>

在近二十年的流亡之后,重耳的命运因晋国内部纷争和外部压力而发生了变化。在忠实追随者和盟友们的鼓励下,重耳于公元前636年回到了晋国。重返晋国的重耳受到了人民的欢迎,并登上了王位成为文公。他从逃亡者到执政公爵的旅程标志着晋国历史的重大转折点。 6.</p>


